The Community Health Academy of the Heights

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CHAH Goes to Europe! Day 6: Cordoba and Madrid, Spain

Day 6 of the CHAH Euro Tour with Explorica started with a tour of Cordoba and ended at a restaurant in Madrid.  The tour began with the Statue of Marmonades, followed by a guided tour of The Great Mosque of Cordova.

"I can't believe this was built over 1000 years ago," said Jishanny Quintana, when she gazed up at The Great Mosque.

After the tour, the students said "Hasta Luego" to their guide and driver Javier, who works for Explorica.  They then boarded the 3:06 pm "AVE Super Fast Train" to Madrid.  It goes up to 180 miles per hour whooshed them into Madrid before 5:00 pm!

One of the first stops in Madrid was the Plaza del Sol, where the students had traditional chocolate churros, followed by dinner at a restaurant.  When you're on vacation, you get to have dessert before the meal!